Kai-Adrian Rollmann

Kai-Adrian Rollmann

👉 M.Sc. in Software Engineering from HPI
👉 9 years in the industry, 6 years freelancing
👉 roles ranging from software engineering to technical product management
👉 working with both early-stage startups and larger organizations.

What I love about freelancing is that I get work in a variety of setups together with inspiring founders, designers and engineers. All setups have one thing in common: we're moving fast, creating state of the art software products that have to stay maintainable long term. But with the latest AI tools, dev speed and product quality have improved dramatically, yet again. So it's never been a better time to build software. Most people know me for my frontend expertise and for paragliding. If you're facing a digital product challenge, let's go launch and fly!

is what organizations hire me for


LedgyEmidatScaleAbout YouMerantixDampsoftGoethe Institut FrankfurtIngefBakdataRasa

Companies & institutions, who have worked with me as a contractor since 2018. I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with their teams in creating digital products. As a self-employed software engineer, it is rewarding to me to be part of different working cultures, creating product value every day while also learning from everyone involved at the same time.


As a software engineer, much of my creative work tends to remain hidden behind the scenes at the companies I work with. However, there are instances when projects are open-source or when I can openly discuss my work. Occasionally, I even manage to create a public project of my own. Here are my primary projects that can be publicly referenced.

Older projects

Most of the following are either old projects, side projects I've worked on as a student, or quick ideas I've prototyped together with friends. It's a mix! Raw. Unpolished. Just like life.

Secret Section

Collection of links to smaller projects, old and new. Projects that haven't made it into the list above. They're quick experiments, and it's probably hard to understand what they're about. Have fun exploring!

Bundeshaushalt 2024– a compact visualization of the German federal budget
Timeblocking– calendar UI experiment, desktop / shortcuts only
Einbürgerungstest– to practice for the German citizenship test
Color Palette Detective– to find names for colors and color palettes
Product book– a browser app to collect product ideas concisely
Game of life– an experiment on react component memoization
Tractatus– an exploration of tree navigation UI
Exponentialicious– an experiment on exponential growth
Mandelbrot– rendering the Mandelbrot set on HTML canvas (CPU/slow)
Crochet– a custom crochet pattern generator built for a friend
Connect 4– quickly built to prep for an interview
Decline– an angry popup parody


vimrc(you have to rename it to .vimrc)


Background: I built Minesweeper and Squared in 2018, but since then, more and more game ideas have accumulated in my notebook. In December 2022, I started an advent calendar and published a new game every day for friends and family to play. Some years later, in 2024, I went on to build Monopoly exploring those game dynamics on the web. Here's a curated selection of the games I enjoyed building and playing the most. All games from the advent calendar can be found on the advent calendar page. Have fun playing!!


Thoughts written down to structure them for my own mind. Please go ahead and explore. If you find something interesting, great! If you find something you disagree with, please let me know. Friends tell me I'm curious, and easily fascinated. Maybe that's because I haven't even scratched the surface on how the world works. But I'd like to try.

© 2025 Copyright Kai-Adrian Rollmann.
All rights reserved.